
Saturday, 1 February 2014

world's worst blogger

I'm so crap at blogging,
 "To document our journey..a place to share and reflect...."
Ha !
In all fairness it wasn't always easy to have a decent online connection on the road, but, there were reasons behind my inability to blog.
I'll explain myself later.
Firstly, let me cut a long story short.

Woofing was not working out for us - we were eager to look for our land and felt stifled hanging around on other people' was the wrong time for us.

However, living in the van during summer was perfect for a toddler๐Ÿ˜€

After doing a Goldilocks Tour de France  ( it's too hot, it's too expensive, too many mosquitoes, not enough trees), we parked up semi permantly in the Limousin and began to seriously search for land.  It's bizarre but this region resonanted with us and so did the land prices.

Every potential place we looked at was amazing but didn't quite meet our criteria (small dwelling to renovate, 5 acres of land and a small wood).
Until we were shown Puy Belier.  The estate agent was totally apathetic about the place assuming we'd agree that the house was too small and the location too rural ...... The extra two acres made up for it ๐Ÿ˜€

Things became scary as signings and waiting on the UK sale began.
We waited in limbo for 3 months.  (If you want to buy land here it gets offered to farmers as a priority - this takes 3 months).

Marlo got bigger.

Then in the new year we moved into our very own Victorian Farm.

 So, why was I unable to blog during our journey ??

A strange mix of genuinely thinking people aren't interested in my shit and of holding a kind of superstitious belief that if I was to make all of our business may affect the course of events ๐Ÿ˜•

So, here we are on our own little bit of France.

 Photos to follow once I figure it out...but here's a link for now

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